Movement Church

Global Missions


Please prayerfully consider going with Movement on a short term mission trip next year!
These trips are one way we step into God’s call for our church to be sent “across the street and around the world.”

Armenia: April 24-May 3
Apply for Armenia here: Greece: June13-21
Greece: June13-21
To apply for Greece, go here: 

Trips cost $2,600 per person, with participants expected to raise support as a team in preparation.


Movement is committed to being a church that develops people into disciples of Jesus, loving family members with one another, and sent representatives of Jesus' kingdom in the world. We believe all of us are sent, and each of us has a role within God's redemptive movement. Missions is an activity flowing out of living a "sent" life.


Movement seeks to reinforce, teach about, and celebrate our individual and collective sent identity. As a weekly rhythm, we are "sent out" after every worship gathering to represent Jesus in word and deed wherever we live, work, and socialize that week.
At the same time, we recognize that God prepares and calls some within the church family to be sent far away to serve as representatives cross-culturally. We believe the church bears the primary responsibility to identify, assess, develop, send, and care for these workers. We eagerly, yet soberly, take on this responsibility to be a sending church that deploys people across the street and around the world!


Values Convergence
The convergence of four main mission values (Church Centric, Indigenous, Low Gospel Access, and Holistic Gospel 'Ecosystem') provide guidance that helps  prioritize the type of work Movement most wants to be involved with and mobilize towards. This convergence is our mission "sweet spot."

Meet Jared Burwell

Meet Our Sending Pastor!

As the Sending Pastor,  Jared oversees Movement's efforts to advance the kingdom of God, represents Jesus' compassionate heart, and plant churches both locally and globally. His desire is to identify, equip, send, and provide care for people who say "yes" to God's mission.